Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Mustnotshouldbe writer

The mustnotshouldbe writer cannot find her place
She think's she's doing great until grades smack her in the face
This is what she was supposed to do since she was very small
But the mustnotshouldbe writer feels only a foot tall.

She sits and stares at letters that mean far below the best
Though this is her destiny, she might just give up next
She struggles with identity and what herself to call
The mustnotshouldbe writer maybe isn't one at all.


  1. Wow...this gets me thinking about how we talk to the students we teach which gets me thinking about Peter Johnston's "Choice Words." If it's not been mentioned in SI yet...I highly recommend it to you and the rest of the TC's.

  2. Love that you included the picture! This the mustnotbe girl could have her own series of poems :)

  3. Love pic and I'm w/ Jessie on poetry collection!!

  4. @Tony -- Thanks for the recommendation. I think I've heard of that book, and I'll definitely check it out. Words are powerful and teachers' words especially hold immense power in the minds of students.

    @Jessie and Lacy -- Well, that mustnotshouldbe writer is also a mustnotshouldbe poet. :) I definitely am not comfortable in the world of poetry, but it's good to get a chance to stretch and expand horizons. We will see where it goes from here.

  5. I love how you invented a word like that! Awesome...I gotta try this out.
